Obedience Training Videos

9 month old Ruger working his obedience in the midst of every day distractions at Lowe's.

Luna at 4.5 months working on the basics: polite leash walking, holding commands until released, and doing her best to resist the temptation of eating leaves! Not an easy task for a Labrador puppy!

Socialization/Impulse Control

10 month old Duke and mentor dog Kali holding a down in the middle of an outdoor holiday event. This was incredibly tough for Duke, who, before training, had very little impulse control and struggled to stay focused even without distractions.

4 year old Chloe is the friendliest girl in the world! So friendly that she felt it was her Bernese duty to pull on leash to greet every human and dog she'd ever seen. Here she is during a refresher session happily resisting the urge to greet everyone, while also having the confidence to not react to any of the spooky Halloween costumes.

Off-Leash Obedience

1.5 year old Labradoodle Winston loved to chase everything that moved prior to training. Here he is recalling beautifully off some geese during one of his Day Train sessions.

Throwing some off-leash obedience into the mix during a walk along the river with my girl Kali.

9 month old Ranger was famous for his epic games of keep-away and had no solid commands before his owners came to me for training. Now he and his family are enjoying the perks of having a dog who responds reliably, even when off leash!

E-collar conditioning (working towards off-leash behaviors)

A short clip from 3 year old Abbey's fourth e-collar conditioning session. Her happy body language says it all as we work on the difference between 'Let's Go', and the more formal 'Come' command. Since we're still early on in the learning process, the long line remains on for guidance.

Teaching 11 month old German Shorthaired Pointer Maverick the ins and outs of the e-collar and how to respond when he feels it. When taught and used correctly, e-collar training can look as uneventful as it does here!

Confidence Building

Teaching 1 year old Storm that it's no big deal to walk over, under, and on top of different surfaces and textures. These types of activities are fantastic for overall confidence, and help instill trust in and strengthen the dog/handler bond.